Contrary to Popular Belief Cold Calling DOES Work!, Volume I: Effectiveness, The Art of Appointment Making  


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The Appointment Making Formula™:  

The next web-based workshop for 2011 will be on June 28th

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Each month we provide a series of webinars about telephone prospecting challenges and techniques. 
Click Here to see this month's topics and registration form.


The Appointment Making Formulais  designed for both the individual and the  corporate sales team.

Click Here for Details of The Appointment Making Formula


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The Appointment Making Formula™ Sales Training
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Tactical Opportunity Management Sales Training
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Basic and Advanced Selling and Questioning Skills
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Telephone Selling Skills
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Sales Tips & Resources

The objective of this section is to provide you with sales tips (selling tips), links to websites, documents that can be downloaded as well as lists and other information we think would be worth your time to peruse.  Please let us know about any sales resources you know about that you think other sales professionals would find interesting and/or helpful.

Check back to this page often as we are adding more resources to make you more effective in the pursuit of your financial goals each month.


Newsletter Archives:

We publish a monthly email sales newsletter that is sent through a service called Constant Contact.  Our objective is to help you increase your sales and selling skills through tips and ideas for both sales management and direct selling that you can apply to your selling environment. 

Please click here to find an archive of newsletters beginning with the January 2007 issue.  We’ll be adding the earlier issues as time permits.  If you’d like copies of any of those newsletters published prior to that (2004, 2005, and 2006), let us know and we’ll send them directly to you.

If you’re not a current subscriber, click below on the sign-up box on the left hand side of this panel below and you’ll be directed to a form to sign up.


CPG Sales Whitepapers:  

Available for download (click on the name of the White Paper):

Is Cold Calling Really Dead?  Searching for the elusive ‘Silver Bullet’

If you (or your team) are responsible for creating new business with new customers, even finding new business within existing accounts by picking up the phone and making a call, this paper is for you.  It is targeted at senior management and will provide insight into the challenge and the potential solutions including art (skills), science (mechanics and tools) and best practices.  It will also help you understand why Barry Caponi and the Caponi Performance Group are recognized as one of the leading experts on the topic.

Available by request:

The Appointment Making Formula™ Four Steps to More Effective Appointment Making

This White Paper is the companion piece targeted at first line management and those who must make the calls.  And although we can’t provide you the exact wording to use when trying to set appointments, we can provide a proven template, or what we call a formula to follow which will improve your results for the entire process.  If after reading the first White Paper, you’d like to see how we suggest you actually go about the process of setting appointments, we’ll send you this paper that outlines the solution, The Appointment Making Formula™.

If you would like to request a copy of The Appointment Making Formula™ Four Steps to More Effective Appointment Making, please click here and you will be taken to a sign-up page to order a copy.   


Downloadable CPG Documents:

Workshop Details


Caponi Performance Group Overview This document is designed to cover all of the services that CPG offers; training, consulting and speaking. It is designed to provide you one document that covers an explanation of not only all of the services we offer, but also a discussion of how we deliver the training workshops. It does not contain any additional information that you cannot find elsewhere on the website. It is designed as a downloadable PDF document if you wish to take the information with you. 



Caponi Performance Group Overview Plus Workshop Data Sheets This document is identical to the one above except that it also includes the detailed workshop descriptions for The Appointment Making Formula™, Tactical Opportunity Management Skills, Basic and Advanced Selling and Questioning Skills, and Sales Management Coaching Skills. You can download this document if you would like to receive all four of the workshop descriptions or you can download individual workshop descriptions below or on the 'Workshops' section of the website. 


Workshop Descriptions – The following documents contain detailed workshop descriptions including a syllabus for each of the three main workshops we currently offer. 



The Appointment Making Formula™ Face-to-Face Workshop (or) The Appointment Making Formula™ Web-based Workshop


The Tactical Opportunity Management Workshop


The Basic & Advanced Selling and Questioning Skills Workshop


Tools for Prospecting and Appointment Setting:

We currently have a number of resources available regarding the prospecting, or appointment setting process.  These tools are designed to complement and leverage the ‘Art’ we supply to help you become more efficient at the most  critical stage of the buying cycle – the beginning.


Activity Calculator (Updated Jan. 2009 - New, Improved Features) This pre-formatted spreadsheet was designed in conjunction with Contact Science, one of our selling partners.  Its main purpose is to help sales management (or individual sales professionals) set prospecting goals, play ‘what-if’ games with those numbers and the related ratios between them.  It is also capable of quantitatively determining the number of actual leads a sales professional can handle in a given year.  It comes complete with instructions on how to use it.

Maximizing ROI on Appointment Making Training – This is a short White Paper describing specialized automation available for the appointment setting process.  It discusses how using ‘Science’ (Klpz) can help manage the ongoing appointment setting challenge, how tools can help in that process and how to figure an ROI on appointment setting ‘Art’.


Other Helpful Sales Website Links:

bullet  – Contact Science is the maker of ‘Klpz’



www.coldcalling101.comLearn more about the only comprehensive approach to appointment setting.


bullet – Free online networking product

bullet  - Networking capability on steroids.  If you depend on networking to build your business, this combines the power of Linkedin plus adding a planning and managing capability.  Also has lots of articles, etc. on sales.


bullet – Online product designed to find individual contact names for appointment setting process.  Can be a pay as you go product, or you can trade your contacts for theirs.  (It’s how they keep the list current.)


bullet – Online newsletter product we use for our newsletters


bullet - Presentation skills and ideas that can be applied to selling.  Great little newsletter.


Recommended Books and CDs on Sales:

(All books may be ordered below at the bottom of this page.)

We use strategies, techniques and methods from all of these different books in our workshops, so although we don’t necessarily agree with everything in these books and CDs, there is very good information in them all.


Contrary to Popular Belief Cold Calling DOES Work!, Volume I: Effectiveness, The Art of Appointment Making – Barry D. Caponi (Order Below...)


Contrary to Popular Belief Cold Calling DOES Work!, Volume II: Efficiency, The Science of Appointment Making – Barry D. Caponi (Order Below...)


Selling to VITO (Very Important Top Officer) – Anthony Parinello (Order Below...)

If you have a very finite list of suspects in your universe, Parinello’s theory on how to improve your chances of getting in at the level you want to is very good. 


The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cold Calling – Keith Rosen   (Order Below...)

We do not agree with how Keith handles the call itself, but his discussion of the topic, preparation, tools, etc., are worth the read.


Red-Hot Cold Call Selling – Paul S. Goldner    (Order Below...)

Along with Stephan Schiffman’s book, we use a lot of Paul’s techniques in our workshops.


The Power to Get In – Michael Boylan   (Order Below...)

Boylan discusses strategies to apply to the prospecting discipline.  His theories apply particularly to the same territory descriptions as Parinello’s book.  However, they also would apply to larger suspect universes if the average sized sale was worth the upfront research necessary. 


Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!) – Stephan Schiffman   (Order Below...)

Along with Paul Goldner’s book, we use a lot of Stephan’s techniques.  This book is in its fifth printing with over a million copies sold.


Influence – Robert Cialdini    (Order Below...)

{This is a tough read on how and why people comply with requests (made by anyone, including sales professionals) – order the CD instead from }


The 7 Powers of Questions – Dorothy Leeds    (Order Below...)

This is the best book on questioning skills we’ve ever read.  We use a lot of Dorothy’s philosophy, stories and techniques.


The Spin Selling Fieldbook – Neil Rackham    (Order Below...)

Spin Selling is a classic selling model that has been around a long time, and for good reason.  We use a lot of Neil’s techniques and approach.


Cracking the Networking Code – Dean Lindsay    (Order Below...)

Should be your bible for networking.


The Quest for Service Quality – Phillip Wexler   (Order Below...)

A great work on how to build a great service culture.


Effective Negotiating – Chester Karrass    (Order Below...)

Chester’s name is synonymous with negotiating.

bulletKiss Theory Good Bye (Five Proven Ways to Extraordinary Results in Any Company) - Bob Prosen    

This book is one of the best 'how to' general management books we've read. He provides great insight, but also practical advice that can be easily implemented. It also has a great chapter on sales effectiveness from an executive's perspective.



Order any book below from Amazon Now


Contrary to Popular Belief Cold Calling DOES Work!, Volume I: Effectiveness, The Art of Appointment Making


Contrary to Popular Belief Cold Calling DOES Work!, Volume II: Efficiency, The Science of Appointment Making              










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