A great idea for cold calling voicemails and emails.

How to get a great testimonial that gets YOUR emails and voicemails RETURNED.

Voicemail ImageI read an article recently by Ivan Misner, a networking guru, about asking our customers for written testimonials. It’s a great idea that most of us don’t do near enough. Here’s another reason for doing that.

We hear questions all the time about what should be the value proposition in voicemails and emails. Our response is that we should be sharing why others do business with us. If we can be quantitative about an increase in sales (our value proposition), an increase in their market share, or perhaps a decrease in costs, so much the better. Ergo, if that’s what the customer experienced, get them to put that in the testimonial.

Continue reading “A great idea for cold calling voicemails and emails.”

Two reasons why your voicemails (and emails) are NOT being returned.

An example that works to get more returned voicemails.


Voicemail ImageOne of the ways to get people to return voicemails is to arouse their curiosity. No great revelation there, right? But here’s the way to do it.


Continue reading “Two reasons why your voicemails (and emails) are NOT being returned.”