Why using your Unique Selling Proposition in your opening script doesn’t work.

Can you really say something that your competitors aren’t?

Another reason we don’t believe in investing enormous amounts of time on making the ‘Opening Approach’ on an appointment making call ‘perfect’ is the fact that it is really difficult to differentiate oneself from the competition in a sentence or two. More importantly, it is impossible to create one that your target hasn’t heard before. Continue reading “Why using your Unique Selling Proposition in your opening script doesn’t work.”

How to create a killer opening script.

Or, at least an effective one. A step by step formula.

In a blog entitled, How important is it to ‘nail’ your opening statement? I suggested it just isn’t worth agonizing over the creation of a ‘killer’ opening script. I stand by that. What this blog attempts to do is give you a step by step process to build one that is effective in getting you into the conversation you want.

Regardless of how good you make that opening; your targets will still say no when you first ask for the appointment over 90% of the time. If you understand and accept that, then the process below will help be in a strong position to ‘Counter’ the no you get. Continue reading “How to create a killer opening script.”