Three ideas to increase your appointment setting performance.

Do you give good phone?

Happy Woman CallerIn an earlier blog, we talked about the value of recording ourselves to determine if we can improve our performance on the phone. In this blog, we’ll talk about what to look for when you listen to yourself. Continue reading “Three ideas to increase your appointment setting performance.”

A simple way to improve your appointment setting performance.

Do you listen to yourself?

listening-pictureIf you are a manager of sales professionals, you are charged with not only driving a certain amount of revenue, but you’re also charged with developing the abilities of the sales team. It’s a given. Our incentive is our own survival and the belief in leverage. We know we’ll be asked to bring in more revenue next year than we were asked to do this year—and most likely without additional headcount. The only way to do that is to have a more efficient and effective team, which is another way of saying I will continuously need more leverage or better productivity out of each of my team members.  Continue reading “A simple way to improve your appointment setting performance.”