Three Metrics required to manage the appointment setting process.

“Make more dials!” goes the typical sales manager mantra.  But is that the best way to set more  appointments?

Many clients we’ve worked with originally only had their sales teams reporting to management each week the number of dials they were making to set appointments. Most also track the number of appointments set. But, even in those situations that track them both, it’s not enough to effectively manage the process. Continue reading “Three Metrics required to manage the appointment setting process.”

A simple way to set the basic activity requirements for any sales goal. Blog 4 of 4…

The most basic activity component of the selling process is the dial. Do you know how many dials you need to make today to hit your annual revenue goal?

The last of the 2018 goal setting blogs is about setting the daily activity objectives so that you can measure your progress towards your goal each day. If you went through the GOSPA exercise, you know that the Strategy piece of the process is very powerful. When you figure out how you’re going to accomplish a particular objective—in this case—your revenue goal, then it’s time to ‘do the math’ in terms of the activity necessary. Continue reading “A simple way to set the basic activity requirements for any sales goal. Blog 4 of 4…”