How many ways can a target say no on an appointment setting call?

There are only four ways to say no when asked for an appointment.

My wife, Nancy, and I love to hike in the mountains and a little while ago we were in Sedona, Arizona doing just that.  (It’s beautiful, by the way if you like rocks.  Many, many rocks.  They even have mountains named as rocks like Red Rock and Cathedral Rock.)  Anyway, as we were hiking up this one trail, I stepped on a fairly smooth rock and my boot lost a little traction, causing me to slip.  Being a conscientious hiker, I proceeded to kick it off the path after regaining my balance as I certainly didn’t want someone else to have the same experience.  But as I did it, I noticed that there were millions; no make that gazillions more of them, so I quickly gave up on my crusade to make hiking through Sedona safe for everyone. Continue reading “How many ways can a target say no on an appointment setting call?”