Ten questions to ask to determine whether canvassing for Initial Appointments makes sense in your selling environment

It’s both an efficiency and effectiveness issue. 

Should we canvas for Initial Appointments or use the phone?  In environments that require a lot of appointment setting with new targets, it’s a question that gets asked a lot. So what’s the answer? Continue reading “Ten questions to ask to determine whether canvassing for Initial Appointments makes sense in your selling environment”

How is setting appointments by canvassing (door knocking) different from doing it by telephone?

How to be good at a canvas call. 

Before some of you read on and think I’m full of you know what, I am going to make an assumption here. That assumption is that I am talking to those of you who sell something where Initial Appointments require a fair amount of time and a solid set of questions in order to qualify the target into a prospect. If you are selling something that is a pure commodity, sold on price and/or availability, for instance, the situation would be different. Continue reading “How is setting appointments by canvassing (door knocking) different from doing it by telephone?”