Have Call Reluctance? Two ideas to defeat it.

The Virtual Bank Account and the Check Off List. In previous blogs, I’ve written about the causes for Call Reluctance.  Most of those refer to preparation and the components of the process that need to be addressed. There are some of us, however, that even when totally prepared, would still rather being doing something else, … Continue reading “Have Call Reluctance? Two ideas to defeat it.”

You may be surprised by what causes Call Reluctance

Why are we afraid to pick up the phone to call someone we don’t know to set an appointment?   Author’s note: This blog is about what causes Call Reluctance. I’ve written an in-depth article that is posted on LinkedIn that addresses both the causes and the four elements required to fix it. After reading … Continue reading “You may be surprised by what causes Call Reluctance”

Five tips to help make that first cold call of the day.

Five ways to beat Call Reluctance. Many times we hear the old mantra that, “Once I get started making my daily appointment making calls, I’m okay.  It’s getting started that is the challenge.  I’ll do anything to keep from picking up that phone for the first call.” Here are five tips to help us get … Continue reading “Five tips to help make that first cold call of the day.”

Top 10 Mistakes cold callers make on the phone (#5).

Mistake #5 – Winging it on each call. Mistake number four talked about not internalizing our message so that we sound like we’re reading it.  The alternative to internalizing the message is just to wing it on each call thinking that this makes us sound more ‘natural’. The problem with doing it that way is … Continue reading “Top 10 Mistakes cold callers make on the phone (#5).”

Why do our clients say our Appointment Setting process is different and so successful?

They’ll tell you it is multidimensional and comprehensive…and it works Everybody says their methodology is different, right? So, what do our clients say about why they chose us and why they minimally doubled the number of Initial Appointments their sales team was setting prior to attending one of our Prospector’s Academies™? More importantly, how did … Continue reading “Why do our clients say our Appointment Setting process is different and so successful?”

The four reasons sales professionals fail at appointment-setting.

Why our approach is different and why it has never failed to double the number of appointments a group of sales professionals set after going through our program. When I make my own appointment making calls, prospects ask me all the time, why would investing in one of my Prospector’s Academies benefit them? They say … Continue reading “The four reasons sales professionals fail at appointment-setting.”

What is the number one reason The Appointment Making Formula™ works so well?

Bridge Questions™ are the keys to the kingdom. We are often asked how is The Appointment Making Formula different from other skills based methodologies for appointment setting. There are a number of reasons, but the number one reason our clients tell us their sales professionals are now setting at least twice the number of Initial … Continue reading “What is the number one reason The Appointment Making Formula™ works so well?”