Six reasons to build an appointment making plan for the long haul.

The Cumulative Effect of Cold Calling. Contrary to popular belief, the time and effort we put into the calls we make today that do not immediately result in an appointment today still has value. In other words, be in it for the long run to leverage that investment of time and effort.  Design a well-defined … Continue reading “Six reasons to build an appointment making plan for the long haul.”

Handling those pesky Gatekeepers, or Gatekeepers can be your friend

What is the best way to handle Gatekeepers?   Contrary to what most sales people think, their number one responsibility is not to keep us out!  Their number one responsibility is to help their bosses. On the surface you might think that includes a line in their job description that does say ‘keep sales people … Continue reading “Handling those pesky Gatekeepers, or Gatekeepers can be your friend”