Dial by name directories – should I use it or not?

Or should I hit ‘zero’ and be connected to the operator?

If you’re not familiar with our philosophy and approach to appointment setting, we are all about being as effective as we can on each call so we are as efficient as we can be over time in the process of pursuing many targets simultaneously.  The reason is that very few of us have extra time to sit and make appointment setting calls, nor do many of us like doing it. Ergo, the fewer the dials we need to make and the less time we need to set aside to do it, the better. Continue reading “Dial by name directories – should I use it or not?”

Ten questions to ask to determine whether canvassing for Initial Appointments makes sense in your selling environment

It’s both an efficiency and effectiveness issue. 

Should we canvas for Initial Appointments or use the phone?  In environments that require a lot of appointment setting with new targets, it’s a question that gets asked a lot. So what’s the answer? Continue reading “Ten questions to ask to determine whether canvassing for Initial Appointments makes sense in your selling environment”

Cold calling…does it work or not?

Your own belief system may be holding you back.

 There is a concept in psychology called, ‘Learned Helplessness‘. It means that when we experience something often enough, we can develop a belief that supports that experience. With cold calling, we hear the following comments from people all the time. “Cold calling doesn’t work.” “Leaving voicemails doesn’t work.” “I won’t use scripts because it makes me sound canned, like the proverbial telemarketer reading their script.” Continue reading “Cold calling…does it work or not?”

“It’s personal.” Is that a good message to leave for a decision maker to get them to call you back?

No—and here’s why.

This actually happened to me yesterday. I received a cold call and my administrative assistant took the call. She asked if she could take a message and was told to tell me “It’s personal.” Continue reading ““It’s personal.” Is that a good message to leave for a decision maker to get them to call you back?”

“How are you doing today?” Is that a good way to begin a cold call?

We think not. Here are two rules to craft a more successful opening instead.

At the Starting blocks

This topic came from a great Group on LinkedIn called ‘Best Practices for Telephone Prospecting/Cold Calling’. If you’re not a member, I suggest you join it. Roger Hamilton created the group and it’s one of the largest in LinkedIn. Good topics there as it is a great place to get questions about appointment setting addressed. Continue reading ““How are you doing today?” Is that a good way to begin a cold call?”

Seven ways to get more emails and voicemails returned on appointment setting calls. (Updated.)

Nobody returns voicemails anymore…or do they?


Our clients report that, in the B2B market space, the percentage of returned voicemails and emails has dropped over the past ten years with the advent of voicemail. Our experience mirrors that. So, the operative question is, “Should we stop leaving voicemails?” Our answer is an emphatic, “No!”, as our techniques have the percentage of returns on the rise again (over 10%), and as we pointed out in the blog covering why we should leave voicemails and send emails, there are plenty of reasons for actually sending/leaving them. Continue reading “Seven ways to get more emails and voicemails returned on appointment setting calls. (Updated.)”

How many ways can a target say no on an appointment setting call?

There are only four ways to say no when asked for an appointment.

My wife, Nancy, and I love to hike in the mountains and a little while ago we were in Sedona, Arizona doing just that.  (It’s beautiful, by the way if you like rocks.  Many, many rocks.  They even have mountains named as rocks like Red Rock and Cathedral Rock.)  Anyway, as we were hiking up this one trail, I stepped on a fairly smooth rock and my boot lost a little traction, causing me to slip.  Being a conscientious hiker, I proceeded to kick it off the path after regaining my balance as I certainly didn’t want someone else to have the same experience.  But as I did it, I noticed that there were millions; no make that gazillions more of them, so I quickly gave up on my crusade to make hiking through Sedona safe for everyone. Continue reading “How many ways can a target say no on an appointment setting call?”

How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 1 of 2.

“Please send me some information” is usually a dodge. So how can we still get a commitment when we hear that response?

Ever had a target for an Initial Appointment respond by asking you to send them some information first on your solution when you ask them for an appointment? If you’ve been setting appointments for any period of time, you have because it works on most sales professionals. As a matter of fact, most think they’ve got a ‘hot one’ when someone asks for information. Continue reading “How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 1 of 2.”

How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 2 of 2.

“Please send me some information” is usually a dodge. So how can we still get a commitment when we hear that response?

Ever had a target for an Initial Appointment respond with asking you to send them some information first on your solution when you ask them for an appointment? If you’ve been setting appointments for any period of time, you have because it works on most sales professionals. As a matter of fact, most think they’ve got a ‘hot one’ when someone asks for information. Continue reading “How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 2 of 2.”

Finding H.E.R.B.

How to find the Highest Executive Responsible for Buying within a target company.

Many times acquired lists (or certainly lists of companies we compile on our own) will not have the name of the person we want to meet with. So, where do we go to get this information prior to placing the first call to H.E.R.B? Continue reading “Finding H.E.R.B.”