A simple way to set the basic activity requirements for any sales goal. Blog 4 of 4…

The most basic activity component of the selling process is the dial. Do you know how many dials you need to make today to hit your annual revenue goal? The last of the 2018 goal setting blogs is about setting the daily activity objectives so that you can measure your progress towards your goal each … Continue reading “A simple way to set the basic activity requirements for any sales goal. Blog 4 of 4…”

The most powerful way to accomplish goals—envision it. Blog 3 of 4…

The mind cannot tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real. Any self-help book worth its salt will talk about envisioning yourself where you want to be, doing what you want to be doing, and being what you want to be as a very powerful part of the process of accomplishing what … Continue reading “The most powerful way to accomplish goals—envision it. Blog 3 of 4…”

A simple process (and tool) to set personal & business goals. Blog 2 of 4…

A powerful and easy to implement goal setting process that works in both our business and personal lives. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” In practical terms, what he’s saying is that if we don’t have a written set of goals that we’ve … Continue reading “A simple process (and tool) to set personal & business goals. Blog 2 of 4…”

For any other questions about this Agreement, contact KOHO at 1-855-564-6999.

Unless otherwise agreed between New Zealand and the Fund, all drawings, exchanges, and payments of principal and interest under this agreement shall be made at the exchange rates for the relevant currencies in terms of the SDR established pursuant to Article XIX, Section 7(a) of the Funds Articles of Agreement and the rules and regulations … Continue reading “For any other questions about this Agreement, contact KOHO at 1-855-564-6999.”

How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 1 of 2.

“Please send me some information” is usually a dodge. So how can we still get a commitment when we hear that response? Ever had a target for an Initial Appointment respond by asking you to send them some information first on your solution when you ask them for an appointment? If you’ve been setting appointments … Continue reading “How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 1 of 2.”

How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 2 of 2.

“Please send me some information” is usually a dodge. So how can we still get a commitment when we hear that response? Ever had a target for an Initial Appointment respond with asking you to send them some information first on your solution when you ask them for an appointment? If you’ve been setting appointments … Continue reading “How to ‘Counter’ the “Send me some info” response and still get an appointment. Blog number 2 of 2.”

Two simple steps to make 2018 the best year of your life. Number 1 of 4…

“The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way.” Tony Robbins – Awaken the Giant Within The beginning of the new calendar year always brings new energy and excitement for each of us. This will be the year! I’m going to accomplish so much. … Continue reading “Two simple steps to make 2018 the best year of your life. Number 1 of 4…”

Top 10 Mistakes cold callers make on the phone (#4).

Mistake #4 – Not internalizing the message so we sound conversational and confident. One of the biggest excuses I hear sales professionals use when they say they don’t want internalize (or memorize) what they are going to say on a cold call is they don’t want to sound like the proverbial telemarketer.  They complain that … Continue reading “Top 10 Mistakes cold callers make on the phone (#4).”

The Agreement does not apply to third country nationals.

Like the prepositional phrase, the who / that / which clause never contains the subject. This handout gives you several guidelines to help your subjects and verbs agree. Ever get “subject/verb agreement” as an error on a paper? This handout will help you understand this common grammar problem. 10. Collective nouns are words that imply … Continue reading “The Agreement does not apply to third country nationals.”

Limited liability is a standard feature of the agreements establishing MDBs.

On the other hand, if your EULA is for a product or service at the business or enterprise level, youll want to have a more thorough agreement that covers a number of areas. One of the first aspects to address in your software license agreement is the scope of the license. Often times, the license … Continue reading “Limited liability is a standard feature of the agreements establishing MDBs.”