Should I ask for voicemail or should I leave my message with the receptionist?

And, if I opt for the receptionist, what do I say? The answer to the first question may seem pretty obvious when you think about it academically, but when you get into the ‘heat of battle’ and the receptionist asks if they can take a message, many just go with the flow and say “Sure!”

Seven ways to get more emails and voicemails returned on appointment setting calls. (Updated.)

Nobody returns voicemails anymore…or do they?   Our clients report that, in the B2B market space, the percentage of returned voicemails and emails has dropped over the past ten years with the advent of voicemail. Our experience mirrors that. So, the operative question is, “Should we stop leaving voicemails?” Our answer is an emphatic, “No!”, … Continue reading “Seven ways to get more emails and voicemails returned on appointment setting calls. (Updated.)”

The most effective voicemail (and email) ever. Really.

How to leave voicemails (and send emails) that get returned more often.  Now that I’ve got your attention, let me lead with a caveat. Most voicemails and emails do not get returned these days. Ten years ago, we averaged 22% of our voicemails returned. I refer to that as the pre-voicemail era. Two years ago … Continue reading “The most effective voicemail (and email) ever. Really.”

Here’s a story of a cold call voicemail that became a sale.

Voicemails do work.  We changed our health insurance for our company a while back. In today’s environment, it’s a lot of work. New laws (don’t get me started) have led to many new types of plans. Why do I share this story with you? No, it’s not because I want to you share in my … Continue reading “Here’s a story of a cold call voicemail that became a sale.”

A great idea for cold calling voicemails and emails.

How to get a great testimonial that gets YOUR emails and voicemails RETURNED. I read an article recently by Ivan Misner, a networking guru, about asking our customers for written testimonials. It’s a great idea that most of us don’t do near enough. Here’s another reason for doing that. We hear questions all the time … Continue reading “A great idea for cold calling voicemails and emails.”

Nine really bad voicemail ideas to avoid.

Four ideas to improve your cold calling voicemail approach.   The following is taken from Paul Lovoie’s/Response Marketing, posting (with his permission) on the Fresh Sales Strategies LinkedIn Group (it’s a pretty good group, by the way). He listed some really bad voicemails left on his phone.     Here’s a list of some of … Continue reading “Nine really bad voicemail ideas to avoid.”

Six ways to get more emails and voicemails returned.

Nobody returns voicemails anymore; or do they? Our customers report that, in the B2B market space, the percentage of returned voicemails and emails has dropped over the past ten years with the advent of voicemail. Our experience mirrors that. So, the operative question is, “Should we stop leaving voicemails?” Our answer is an emphatic, “No”, … Continue reading “Six ways to get more emails and voicemails returned.”

Six reasons to leave voicemails (and send emails).

Nobody returns voicemails anymore; or do they?  Our customers report that, in the B2B market space, the percentage of returned voicemails and emails has dropped over the past ten years with the advent of voicemail. Our experience mirrors that. So, the operative question is, “Should we stop leaving voicemails?” Our answer is an emphatic, “No”, … Continue reading “Six reasons to leave voicemails (and send emails).”

Mutual waiver of potential grievances under the March Agreement.

By the way, we had a detailed, letter of agreement which is I why I easily won the court judgment. Hello Alan, I love your approach. What do you do if you run accross the company wanting you to sign there company consulting agreement? Michelle Michelle, Thanks for the question. Im fine with signing their … Continue reading “Mutual waiver of potential grievances under the March Agreement.”