Two tips to reduce the number of cold calls you need to make.

Two simple ways to cut down on the number of cold calls you need to make.

Very few people (including me) likes to cold call.  Even if you really believe in what you sell and know it helps the people who buy it, hearing all those ‘Nos’ can beat you down.  So what to do?

The answer, my friend is blowing in the wind…wait, that’s an old song.  The answer is in getting more people to raise their hands to signify their interest (marketing’s job) and getting more referrals from your current customers, prospects and network (your job).  That way the number of ‘cold’ calls required are reduced.  Here are two tips to do that.

  1. Make it easy for people to come up with appropriate names by helping them limit their thought process while trying to conjure up a referral for you.  What is easier for you to think of?
    1. My target market is a company in the B2B space that has 10 or more sales people.  Who do you know that might benefit…? or;
    2. My target market is a company that is in the B2B space that has 10 or more sales people.  I’m just curious, who are some of the other sales people that are calling on you presently?
  2. Get yourself a copy of Dean Lindsay’s book, Cracking the Networking CODE 

If you’d like more information on why no team of sales professionals has ever failed to at least double the number of Initial Appointments they were setting after going through one of our programs, give us a call or drop us a line. We love talking about the challenges of appointment making!

Caponi Performance Group and Contact Science jointly market the telephone prospecting and cold calling solution called Coldcalling101™.  It is the only comprehensive solution to solving the biggest barrier to success in most selling organizations—the inability to secure enough Initial Appointments to begin the selling process. We accomplish that through simultaneously addressing both the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.  We can be reached at 817 224-9900 or at You can also find answers to many of your challenges in our books: Contrary to Popular Belief, Cold Calling DOES Work! Volume I: Effectiveness, The Art of Appointment Making and  Volume II: Efficiency, the Science of Appointment Making.


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