What is the “Coin of the Realm” in appointment setting?

Why is it important to understand this basic component of the process?

Coin of the Realm Square I was reading an old article from the Wall Street Journal the other day (August 6, 2007–-if you’re interested). It was entitled, On the Web, English is the Coin of the Realm.  In the article, the author talks about English being the language of choice around the world.  It went on to say that smart advertisers, when looking for an international audience on the Web, get a better bang for their advertising buck if they use English.  It got me thinking (no, not about why Illegal Immigrants don’t get the value of learning English like the rest of the world has), but about the term, Coin of the Realm.  In this article, the Coin of the Realm is actually the dollars spent on advertising, not the language of English.  Why?  Because that is the lowest common denominator of what each of us has to spend on the advertising.  It is what each medium we wish to advertise on will accept in trade for that advertising.  English is, well, something for another blog on another day.  So, what does this have to do with appointment setting?

I believe that the dial is the Coin of the Realm for us sales people who must set appointments to get a buying cycle started.  Each of us must invest a certain number of dials in order to get an appointment.  In order to get the biggest bang for our dial, we must get the most appointments for the dials that we invest each day.

Sales managers, when faced with one of their flock without enough Initial Appointments on the calendar too often say, “Make more dials!” as if there were an unlimited number of them available.  Well, guess what?  There are not an unlimited number of them available.  Each one is made up of names and phone numbers (targets) and time.  Neither is limitless and neither is free.

The question to ask ourselves is, “How efficiently and effectively am I spending my dials?”

If you’d like more information on how to invest those dials more efficiently and effectively, or why no team of sales professionals has ever failed to at least double the number of Initial Appointments they were setting after going through one of our programs, give us a call or drop us a line. We love talking about the challenges of appointment making!

Caponi Performance Group and Contact Science jointly market the telephone prospecting and cold calling solution called Coldcalling101™.  It is the only comprehensive solution to solving the biggest barrier to success in most selling organizations—the inability to secure enough Initial Appointments to begin the selling process. We accomplish that through simultaneously addressing both the efficiency and effectiveness of the process.  We can be reached at 817 224-9900 or at bcaponi@caponipg.com. You can also find answers to many of your challenges in our books: Contrary to Popular Belief, Cold Calling DOES Work! Volume I: Effectiveness, The Art of Appointment Making and  Volume II: Efficiency, the Science of Appointment Making.

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